Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Binding Done, Pearls Begun

The binding is all sewed on, and I've started sewing the pearls onto the twisted tucks.  I will need to steam and press the tucks again so that each twist winds up right at the pearl.

As I sewed on the binding, the quilt seemed to acquire quite a drag to it.  I peered over the heap of folds and rumples -- and sure enough, there was Teensy, all snuggled in and looking smug as a bug in a rug.

I took his picture (because one just has to, you know), removed him from the table, and got back to work.  

He decided the loop of quilt hanging off the folding table would do.  I was alerted to this by his very quiet purring.  😂

1 comment:

  1. I certainly appreciate you walking us through your journey with this fabulous quilt!!
