Monday, March 30, 2020

Exchanging Winter Quilt for Summer Quilt

I'm washing bedding, including the wool/velvet/corduroy/velour Jewel Box Log Cabin quilt, which is now drying on the back deck. I will replace it with the Harvest Sun quilt. I’m very thankful for my new washer! It handled this huge, heavy quilt quite well, although I did have to reposition it when it started spinning. Since I could see this was clearly a big workout for the machine, I turned off the Repeat Rinse that I had originally turned on, so it wouldn’t have to spin the quilt again. 

I’m going to cut the Jewel Box Log Cabin quilt apart and remake it into a couple of smaller quilts. It was a disappointment, because despite prewashing everything in hot water with color catchers twice, a couple of the reds ran in subsequent washes, soaked into one particular white, and turned those patches pink. Spoiled the Jewel Box effect. Also, I didn’t use batting, figuring the quilt was thick and heavy enough

But I discovered I don’t like quilts with no batting. Plus, one of the pieces I used for backing shrunk, and the thing doesn’t lie flat. One more thing: I don’t like how some of the fabric feels whilst I’m a-tryin’ to sleep under it. Also, it’s too heavy. So obviously the thing to do is to cut it down and create throws out of it.

I could put the matching pillows on the loveseats, but Larry uses the leather one and would be unimpressed with having to remove a pack of decorative pillows every time he wanted to lie down. The cats use the other one, and they’d get hair all over the pillows. 🙄

So, obviously again, they go on the leather loveseat. 🤣😆😅😂

It's starting to sprinkle! Time to get the quilt in. It had just enough time -- and a nice enough breeze -- to get dry. Mmmm... it smells sooo good – like Tide Fresh Scent, Downy softener, and country sunshine, all mixed into one. 

I no sooner put the throw pillows on the loveseat than Teensy came to see what I was doing, to inspect the job, and to pat and fluff the pillows into shape. Satisfied, he then lay down and commenced to conducting his afternoon ablutions.

The last picture shows the Harvest Sun quilt on our bed.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pearls and Czech Glass Beads

Okay, I won't post any more pearl or bead pictures until I sew on the Swarovski crystal hexagons, I promise.  But I'm really fond of these square Czech glass beads, and I'm pleased that the slight ruching behind each square bead gave this flange the scalloped effect for which I was hoping.

I'm a little more than a quarter done with the pearls and the beads.  I only have 40 crystals, so it shouldn't take long to sew them in place.  I hope 40 is enough! -- those wee things are pricey.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Pearls and Square Glass Beads (and Cats)

These few pearls and square Czech glass beads represent quite a few hours in sewing them onto the Atlantic Beach Path quilt.  There are many more to go.  The purring furries are sacked out under my table.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Binding Done, Pearls Begun

The binding is all sewed on, and I've started sewing the pearls onto the twisted tucks.  I will need to steam and press the tucks again so that each twist winds up right at the pearl.

As I sewed on the binding, the quilt seemed to acquire quite a drag to it.  I peered over the heap of folds and rumples -- and sure enough, there was Teensy, all snuggled in and looking smug as a bug in a rug.

I took his picture (because one just has to, you know), removed him from the table, and got back to work.  

He decided the loop of quilt hanging off the folding table would do.  I was alerted to this by his very quiet purring.  😂

Monday, March 23, 2020

Sewing Binding

I had just enough time to get about an eighth of the binding sewn onto the quilt back.  I sew it by machine, stitching in the ditch from the front and catching the binding edge on the back.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Putting on Binding, and New Bernina Artista 730

Today I cut the binding for the Atlantic Beach Path quilt, and got it sewn to the top side of the quilt.  AND! -- I'm using my new-to-me Bernina Artista 730 for the first time!  (It says 200 on the machine, but it's been upgraded to a 730.)  It worked perfectly.  We bought the machine from Sue Halter; that was one of the reasons we went to Texas last month.  Her husband Johnny made the surround-table for it.  So helpful, when working on a big, heavy quilt.  So thanks again, Johnny and Sue!

Quilting on the Atlantic Beach Path is Finished!

Quilting on the Atlantic Beach Path quilt is finished!  Here's a little peek at it before I sew on the binding.  Out the north window, you can see the results of last night's winter storm.  The 45-mph wind scoured away most of the snow, though I believe we got two or three inches.

Tomorrow I shall use my new-to-me Bernina Artista 730 for the first time!