Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Very Last Row, Graceful Garden Quilt

Could somebody please come and pull on the quilt back and strrrrrretch the batting as I quilt this last row? I’m telling you, if it fits, if I don’t run out of both back and batting, it will be jusssst baaaarely. . .

If worse comes to worst, I shall remove the quilt from the frame, trim the sides and add onto the bottom, then put the quilt back on the frame and finish quilting. Sounds like a lot of work... but... I’ll do what must be done.

The 9 hours I worked on the quilt today bring the total number of hours spent on this quilt to 907.  138 ½ of that is in the quilting alone.

I wanted to finish tonight, but there are a few hours of work left, and I don't want to fall asleep tomorrow in the middle of Easter church services. The ushers with the goads might get me!

(I said that once to an elderly aunt of Larry's, and ... she thought I meant it.)

Here are just a couple of the blocks done today; the previous row is already rolled up on the take-up bar.

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