After a bit of debate (because I didn't wanna, you know), I decided the letters of Levi's name really should be stitched to his quilt, in addition to being ironed on. Two hours later, the letters are stitched down -- and it was even trickier than expected, because the needle kept getting sticky from the heat-activated adhesive on the backs of those letters, which made it skip stitches. I couldn't even do one letter without stopping to clean the needle with a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol. Then I tried rubbing a dab of Carmex on the needle after cleaning it off, and actually managed to complete entire letters thereafter before the stitch-skipping took up again. Anyway, it's done, and I'm glad I did it. The backing is completed (I had to order more fabric; it arrived a few days ago) and loaded on my frame, and the batting is in place. I'll load the top tomorrow.
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