Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Quilting Anne of Green Gables Quilt

 I have begun quilting an Anne of Green Gables quilt for a friend, who put it together for one of her little granddaughters.  The top three borders are done, and I've rolled the quilt forward.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Starting Jeffrey's Quilt

 I have started grandson Jeffrey's 'Safari Animals' quilt.  Upon discovering that I had plenty of reds but not enough blues to do this quilt without making it scrappy, I switched to red.  If you don't like this as well, keep this in mind:  Jeffrey will like it better.  

I got 23 of these done (ignore the print; I was using newsprint from another project).  

I need to make 180 of these in order to make the 45 blocks.  But now I've quit for the night.

EQ8 Design for Jeffrey's 'Safari Animals' Quilt


Friday, March 14, 2025

Grandson Josiah's 'Mane Event'

 I finally had an opportunity to take pictures of grandson Josiah's 'Mane Event' quilt late this afternoon when the strong winds (gusts to 40 mph) suddenly died down to an eerie calm, with the sun still shining, immediately before a dust storm and thunderstorm hit, complete with gusts up to 60 mph.

The quilt measures 96" x 101".  The horse prints were found amongst his late great-grandmother Elaine's fabrics.  Some were sewn together.  She probably quit because the prints were all whoppyjaw, diamonds instead of squares.  I had to ruthlessly trim them to wind up with squares.

There is 40-wt. Omni thread on top in beige, tan, cadet blue, navy, brown, and dark brown.  The bobbin thread is 60-wt, Bottom Line.  The batting is Quilters' Dream wool.  The checkered backing is also fabric from Elaine's stash.  The striped light blue strips are from some of my husband's discarded work shirts, which, amazingly enough, had fabric on the backs of each shirt that was neither stained nor torn nor burned! (He's in construction.)

I did custom quilting with rulers and free-motion.  My machine is an 18" Handy Quilter Avanté on a 12' Studio frame.  It is hand-guided, not computer-driven.

Binding, on the back

Binding, front


Binding on 'Mane Event'

Grandson Josiah's 'Mane Event' quilt is done. Here's the binding. I'll try to get pictures of the whole quilt tomorrow on the back deck, if it's not so windy as it was today.

Levi's 'Heaven & Nature Sing' Quilt

 Grandson Levi's 'Heaven & Nature Sing' quilt is all done.  It measures 86 ½" x 90 ½".  The batting is Quilters' Dream wool.  There is light tan 40-wt. Omni thread on top and light brown 60-wt. Bottom Line in the bobbin.  The scenic animal prints were from a reversible quilt started by Levi's late other grandmother.  We don't know which of her grandsons she'd been making it for.  I took it apart and will make two quilts of the one; this is the first.  The green fabrics were from the borders of the original quilt.  The pantograph is 'Bear, Moose, and Pines', by Deb Geissler.