Saturday, July 27, 2024

Log Cabin Block

 Here's one of the 36 Log Cabin blocks in pink, for the Nine Kittens quilt.  I have one more 'log' to sew on most of these blocks, and then I'll start on the 72 Log Cabin blocks in blue.  The finished size of the block will be 5 ¼".  Finished width of each 'log' is 7/16".

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

New Fabric for Nine Kitties

 The more I looked at the design I made in EQ8 for granddaughter Juliana, the more I wanted to make it just like it’s pictured, rather than scrappy – which I’d have to do if I used fabric from my meager stash. So I hopped up, grabbed my purse, and went off to Hobby Lobby.

The kitty fabric is for the backing. And here's the quilt image, from EQ8. The cat blocks are actual photos of the printed blocks I have.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hanging Gardens in the Sunlight

 Finally the sun came out, and I was able to get pictures of the quilt on the deck in the sunlight!  The colors are so much more true to life, in sunlight.  Yesterday's photos look grayish, by comparison.  Tonight after our evening church service we will deliver this quilt to Esther.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Hanging Gardens Quilt & Label, Complete

 The Hanging Gardens quilt is complete, label and all.  I made this memory quilt for Esther Wright, the daughter of Bethany, a dear friend of mine who passed away in August of 2023 after being ill for many years.  Esther helped care for her mother during that time.  Bethany was also the mother of my oldest son-in-law.  

I offered to make Esther a quilt with her mother's fabric and/or the dresses Bethany had sewn for Esther when she was young.  Accordingly, a few weeks ago Esther invited me over and let me choose enough fabrics and dresses to fill a large bin.  I cut apart the dresses, glad Bethany liked to make full, ruffly dresses with puffy sleeves, as that gave me more fabric to work with.  The backing, too, came from Bethany's stash of fabric.  I purchased the white background fabric, and the dark plum pieces came from my own stash.

I drew a Hanging Gardens design in EQ8, started cutting pieces, then sewing them together.  This is the result.

The quilt measures 114" x 114".  I used Quilters' Dream wool batting.  There is 40-weight Omni white thread on top, and 60-weight Bottom Line white thread in the bobbin.  The pantograph is called 'Marigold', designed by Patricia E. Ritter and Leisha Farnsworth.  I have an 18" Handi Quilter Avanté (hand-guided, not computer-driven) on a 12' Studio frame.  The binding is sewn on entirely by machine (Bernina).  The label was embroidered on my Bernina Artista 730.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Binding, Hanging Gardens Quilt

 The binding is on the Hanging Gardens quilt!  The last two pictures show the stitching on the back; I do binding entirely by machine.  Hopefully, I'll have time to make the label tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Halfway Point, Hanging Gardens

 I've made it to the halfway point of the Hanging Gardens quilt.  Between the last two rows, I paused to take a few pictures of the sunset.