Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Starting the Atlantic Beach Path Quilt

The Atlantic Beach Path quilt has been started!  I'm making the kaleidoscopes, and decided to start with the fabric I like least, so as not to feel quite so bad if I mess some up.  But these kaleidoscopes are just as easy as the ones I did several years ago, and certainly not as difficult as the instructions in my book would have one believe.  A dozen hexagons are done, except for the middle seam, of course, which is saved until one is putting together the long rows of hexagon halves.  Tomorrow I'll make kaleidoscopes of some of the other fabrics.  Now, if only I had a design wall!  But in order to have a design wall, one must first have a place to put it.  So... I shall make do with a bed or the floor and a camera.  Cameras often show one what one's eyes do not see.


  1. If these are your least favorite colors, I'd like to see your favorite colors. I think these are very pretty.
