Friday, January 13, 2023

Quilting -- and Picking Out Stitches

I am now picking out an entire hour's-worth of stitching, because the bobbin tension was way too tight and looks terrible on the back. All this, because after I refilled the bobbin and put it into the machine, the tail end of the thread got caught on the latch! Aarrgghh. This isn't the first time that has happened. Why can't they make a machine that beeps when the tension is wrong??? Silly machines can do just about everything else.

It takes a long time to take out an hour's-worth of quilting. At least it's not as difficult as when the tension is right. When the bobbin tension is tight, the thread does come out easier. But still... 🥴

This is backbreaking work -- literally. I rubbed some Pain-A-Trate on my back, and went on picking out stitches. To make matters worse, it's dark plum thread on dark plum fabric. And the two layers of batting make this bad chore even harder. Siggghhhh...

I got about half of the bad stitches ripped out, and had to quit, as my back was protesting vociferously. At least I didn't have to pick out all the stitches I did today. The first two pictures are okay. In the second two, almost everything has to come out. The last picture shows all the little stitches with every fifth stitch or so cut with a seam ripper. Next, I pull the pieces of thread out with needle-nosed pliers. They have rubber handles, but my fingers feel like they're on the verge of getting blisters.

Ah, well. I got my VeryFitPro watch app reloaded on my phone; so there's that small triumph, at least. And we did have a scrumptious supper of deer roast, potatoes, carrots, and onions.
Everything is fixable; it's not a calamity. I've had calamities, and this is not that. 🙃😏


  1. So sorry about the is real pain figuratively as well as literally :-(.

    1. Yep. Maybe I won't again forget to look underneath for so long! 😏🥴

  2. Sarah Lynn as you said you'll be watching the underside more often. I've made it a habit lately to head underneath at the end of every block. Even using the same Glide thread (which I love) some colours seem to be more problematic than others.

    1. Yep. I have a mirror and flashlight handy on the quilting table -- I just neglected to use it for a little too long!
