Thursday, July 4, 2019

Bear Paw Wildlife Quilt

Okay, since posting the previous four options, I've had hundreds of responses (I also posted them on Facebook quilting groups).  I have now combined ideas from the two favorites (which were my favorites also), and have come up with this, which I am quite happy with.

Problem:  this panel, by Realtree, must be outdated, because I can't find one like it!  Similar, but not just like it.  And of course I like this one the best.  Anybody have one they'd like to sell?


  1. I really like this combo design - this lets you have lots of spaces for your lovely quilting = gives our eyes places to rest. You always make the design so much more with your quilting.

  2. Love the quilt. Happy 40th wedding anniversary tomorrow! Beth

    1. Thank you, thank you, Beth! 40 years. But... I remember it so clearly! How could it be that long ago? 😊
