Need Quilting Done?

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Cat Silhouettes for Carolyn's Quilt

 After finishing Keira's quilt, I knew that, yes indeedy, I had to add a little something to Carolyn's quilt.  So I appliquéd the cat silhouettes I'd considered putting on it in the first place.  It's not ideal, sewing on appliqués after a quilt is finished, but I pulled out my invisible charcoal thread for the top and invisible clear thread for the bobbin.  The thread is very fine, .004 mm, and hardly shows.  I attached a pink bow to one kitty's neck, and called it done.  The cats for Violet's pink quilt are prepared and ready to be sewn on to her quilt.  I'll put a turquoise bow on one of her cats.

Charcoal invisible thread

Clear invisible thread on the back of the quilt

Silhouettes ready for Violet's pink quilt

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