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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Designing Long Pine Cabin Wall Hanging

A couple of weeks ago, we stayed in a lovely little cabin near Long Pine, Nebraska.  It was tucked into tall trees on a steep hillside, and birds and squirrels and deer abounded.

The people who own the cabin generously let us use their fishing rods, and on the second day they let us stay throughout the day without charging us for an extra day.

Thinking I should do something to show our appreciation, I've been designing a wall hanging for them.  Using Electric Quilt 7 and Paintshop Photo Pro together, here's what I have so far; this is the bottom two-thirds of the hanging:

The top third will be the tops of the trees.  The cabin pictured is the very one we stayed in:

Victoria comes in saying, Ooooh, isn't this neat?!"

The back deck

I've printed the perspective-skewed log cabin pattern on newsprint, and am paper-piecing the blocks.  Some of the logs' are only 3/16" wide; paper-piecing will ensure getting them together accurately.  I made a trip to Hobby Lobby for grass-printed and pebble-printed fabric.  With these, I'll blend the triangular areas at the top of the log cabin blocks with the area at the base of the cabin.

I wanted tree prints, cloud/sky prints, and wood prints, too, but they didn't have any.  I'll check with our LQSs Monday.

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