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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Preparing to Load Strata Star Top on Frame

Some instructions for the Strata Star table topper say to layer backing and top right sides together, then put the batting on top, then sew all the way around, leaving a hole through which to turn it right side out.  Sew the hole shut, stitch in the ditch for quilting, and be done.

However, I wish to quilt it on my HQ16, and I can't do that if I do a turned quilt with no binding.  So I sewed pieces of muslin to the sides, making it square.  I used water-soluble thread in the bobbin, so I only need to mist the edges with water, and the muslin will come right off.  The muslin will be used in attaching top to leaders, and now it's ready to load on the frame.

And yes, I did remember to remove the water-soluble thread from the bobbin race.  I keep the bobbin in a bag with the cone of thread, and never mix it with the other bobbins.  When I use it, I also put a garish color of thread in the top, so that if I start to sew something else, I will see that gaudy thread and remember to change the bobbin thread.

A lady on a quilting group once told a story about a baby quilt she had made for a new grandchild -- and she'd forgotten to remove the water-soluble thread.  When she was done with the quilt, the night before they were to fly cross-country to visit that new baby, she tossed it into the washing machine.

Imagine her astonishment and dismay when, upon opening the washer, she discovered that the beautiful baby quilt had gone to confetti!

She stayed up all night resewing that quilt, and was done when it was time to head to the airport.

That horror story caused me to redouble my efforts to never forget about the water-soluble thread, or get it mixed up with other threads.

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