Need Quilting Done?

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Blocks for Levi's Quilt

 I am remaking a quilt grandson Levi's other grandmother started making before she passed away in August of 2023.  Step 1 was to disassemble it.  Step 2 was to square up the blocks and add some shadow-sashing.  Step 3 will be to make a bunch of little 5" pine-tree blocks (this image is one I drew in EQ8).  Any suggestions for a name for this quilt?  Something about the animals.  The label will give credit to Levi's grandmothers.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Label for Willie, Pillowcase for Grant

 Today I machine-embroidered a new label for the Fisherman Fred quilt, as there's been a change of plans for this quilt.  Next, I made a pillowcase for Grant, a matter of necessity, I thought, since I made his brother Leroy a pillowcase for his birthday last month.  Now Leroy has a decorative pillow and Grant doesn't -- yet; but his birthday is coming in February.  We'll see what happens!  😉  Grant's 'Consider the Heavens' quilt perfectly fit in his pillowcase.

Labels for Grant's and Leroy's Quilts

Here are the labels for Grant's and Leroy's quilts.  Now I need to make a pillowcase for Grant.  

Grant is 11; Leroy is 13.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Label for 'Vintage Airplanes'

 The label is done for Justin's quilt -- and my machine is working perfectly again.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Quilt Deconstruction

 This is the partially-done quilt some of my grandchildren's late grandmother had started putting together.  It was reversible, with the other side looking similar to this one.  She had started tying it with yarn.  

I hoped to finish it for one of the grandchildren, but thought it too small.  Those kids just keep on a-growin'!  Considering the matter, I decided to take the front from the back, enlarge them, and make two quilts from one.

That's when I discovered that the big, blunt needle and the thick yarn had left holes in the fabric -- and the tie spots were marked with permanent marker.  Fortunately, she had not gotten very far.  I then took both sides completely apart.  I will remake the quilts, doing my best to avoid the holes and permanent markings where I can, and camouflaging them and putting a dab of Fray Block on where I can't.

I won't be using the fabric with the trees covered with snow, and possibly not the medium/light green.  Now to design some sort of pattern, rummage up some new background fabric, and start putting the first quilt together!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Pile of Quilts

 I've been wrapping and bagging gifts today.  Here's a pile of quilts (and four pillows) I'll be wrapping (all but two) tomorrow.  They were made during this last year, along with three additional quilts that I already gave away, making a total of eleven.  The two that will not be wrapped will be saved for next year.  Can't give one grandchild a second quilt before each of the others have one!  There are perfectly good explanations for all this.  And one of these days I just might tell them to you, too!  😉

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Leroy's Pillow

 Leroy's pillow, made to match his quilt, 'The Heavens Declare Thy Glory', is done.  I used the last pieces of the glow-in-the-dark fabric for the back; just look at all the seams in that 'X'!  The lining is made from one of Larry's old (but unstained, amazingly enough) work shirts.  The pillow is stuffed with Quilters' Dream wool batting.

A month or more ago, I promised Larry that as soon as I finished the quilts I was making for the grandchildren for Christmas, I would hem his new jeans.  And lookie, I done did it, as promised!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

'The Heavens Declare Thy Glory', Finished

 'The Heavens Declare Thy Glory' for grandson Leroy, 13, is finished.  It measures 81.5" x 81.5".  The Whirling Star block is from EQ8.  The printed fabric is 'In Space Planets' by Elizabeth's Studio.  I used 40-wt. Stone Blue Signature thread on top, and 60-wt. Medium Blue Bottom Line in the bobbin.  The batting is Quilters' Dream wool.  The glow-in-the-dark squares in the backing is 'Space Planets' by Camelot Fabrics.  It's quilted with a pantograph called 'Star Spangled'.  I have a hand-guided (not computer-driven) 18" Handi Quilter Avanté on a 12' Studio Frame.